The Basics

No outfit, and I mean NO outfit will work if your underwear is not giving you the correct support. Your boobs need a good bra. Wearing the correct, well fitted underwear will change the whole look of your outfit. This is why Spanx were invented! A good bra, with good support and good shape for your body will ensure that your top half looks the best that it can. 

We all have different boobs and it’s never going to be the same for everyone, but I can help you to discover the right fit. Trust me, it will change your life! 

One of my first ever jobs as a teen was fitting underwear in Virgin underwear store, when Richard Branston started a chain. I quickly learned how to fit bras and, more importantly, what a huge difference they made to an outfit. I was actually quite good at it, and I was even asked to be manager, but the store went bust (no pun intended!).

Before we start your wardrobe journey, I will encourage you to take the Basics course, or a 1-to-1 with me, to refresh your underwear draw!

The Basics - Leisha Naik Fashion Stylist

The Capsule Wardrobe